Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 176

Afternoon juncture in an old warehouse


  1. Beth, I think that there is going to be an entirely new school of photography, something akin to the instant moment...even with our simple, low-tech cameras, we can catch things that are beautiful, meaningful and memorable. Like the art created with Polaroids, it's less about the medium and the quality, and more about following instinct to photograph what is visually appealing. Keep up the good work!

  2. I agree! I have been surveying warehouses for years, and there is such beauty, history and moments there. I have seen everything from interesting toilet stall scrawl, to old machinery that is truly something you don't see everyday. There is a part of me that is sad becuase once a new tenant comes in, chances are those items will be trash. I am going to try to summarize my findings in these old gems, everytime I get the chance.

  3. Great shots.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. I'm seriously in awe of your talent. I don't seem to have the eye to make such beautiful art out of such ordinary items.

  5. Thank you Krstin - you too!

    Renee - wow, thank you! I need to shoot more of the warehouses and sites that I visit. I think they are beautiful spaces, vacated, which grace it with so much character.
